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About some aspects of the training of healthcare professionals in the area of geriatric practice

P. Balkanska


In the UN expert`s report notes that the world is now expe- riencing a period of dynamic demographic changes and ag- ing population on the planet. Globally, half a century the number of people aged over 60 has increased more than tri- pled to reach almost 2 billion in 2050 (6,9). Naturally, the rates of aging vary across countries and regions. The EU Commission estimates that the number of people between 65 and 79 living in the European Union will grow by 37% between 2010 and 2030. The number of people above 80 years of age will increase even more drastically: In 2030 their number will be 57% higher than it is today (3,4,5). Challenges for geriatric care in Bulgaria are significant. Bulgaria is the second most rapidly aging nation in the Eastern region after Ukraine (5). Prognoses suggest a fur- ther progressive increase in the elderly and old people among us, especially those of the fourth age (over 80 years). The percentage of the higher age groups in the next few years will form about 24% of the total population. Old people are the most progressive and growing group of peo- ple using health care. Nearly half of hospitalized and ambu- latory patients, two thirds of users of home and medical care, are over 60 years of age. The tendency is to increase needs and demands of society for quality health and social care of adults, carried out by competent professionals (3,7). In relation to this, of particular importance is the question of the professional qualification of the medical personnel, which provides these people with health care.


healthcare professionals; educational needs; gerontology; geriatric practice

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Balkanska, P., The old Man as a Patient. Clinical Gerontopsychology, Bulvest 2000, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2003.

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UNECE Ministerial Conference on Ageing (Berlin 2002) “Age Integration, the Changing Life Course, and Intergenerational Solidarity” from the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society and the Section of Geriatric Medicine of the European Union of Medical Specialists

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P. Balkanska

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