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Clinical practice through the eyes of students

A. Andonova, M. Nikolova


In recent years there have been many changes in State Require- ments to acquiring higher education in the specialty `nurse` for the degree `Bachelor`.In order to optimize the learning process in line with EU requirements,practical training is now 50% of the total workload.Clinical (teaching) practice is an integral part of practical training together with pre-graduation experi- ence.They are part of the main organizational forms of educa- tion(3).During the clinical practic students learn in real environ- ment the medical activities.Proper planning and organization to academic practice is a guarantee for verry good skills and pro- fessional knowledges.The training process make the students more responsibility,autonomy etc.(2).Planning,organizing and conducting educational practice must enable students to apply mastered during the training and workshops in the real hospital environment.This process should include evaluation of pre-the- oretical,practical and mental preparation of each student and to enshure safety and quality health care for the patient.In the first year of their education futher health professionals must learn ba- sic care skills and some manipulations.The patient with their fears of health and illnesses participate asa part of a learning pro- cess in the medical schools(1).

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A. Andonova

M. Nikolova

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