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Anxiety and depression disturbances in some chronic skin diseases

S. Bachvarova, P. Drumeva, R. Bachvarova, V. Chakalova


A Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) was applied to follow-up the degree of anxiety and depression of 61 patients with skin diseases, 32 males and 29 females aged between 21 and 68 years occasionally examined in the outpatient consulting room of the Clinic of dermatovenereology at the Medical University of Varna. The results vary within the limits of slight to moderate aberrations. They demonstrate, however, a high level of comorbidity between anxiety and depression. In this respect, anxiety disorders occupy a leading position.

Scripta Scientifica Medica 2008; 40(2): 165-166.

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About The Authors

S. Bachvarova
Medical University of Varna

P. Drumeva
Medical University of Varna

Department of Dermatology and Venereology

R. Bachvarova
Medical University of Varna

V. Chakalova
Medical University of Varna

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