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Value of screening cognitive assessment instruments in age-related cognitive decline

Mariana Arnaoudova, Desislava Ruseva, Ivan Aleksandrov


The aim of our paper is to offer an informed synthesis of practice-based evidence on the utility and efficacy of some brief cognition screening instruments.

METHOD: Clinical evaluation of the most commonly used brief screening methods in our clinical setting.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Due to limited clinicians` time in intensive gerontopsychiatric setting we need sensitive screening instruments which cover the six key neuropsychological abilities, impaired in different kinds of neurocognitive disorders (NCD). Cognition oriented clinical interview and a set of brief screening cognitive tests provide valuable information
on cognitive impairment, abilities, motivation, and potential for future outcomes. When we discuss the qualities and application of the cognitive screen tests we prefer to put an accent on their application as brief assessment tools at the doctor`s office.

CONCLUSION: Subtypes of neurocognitive disorders are characterised by different patterns of impairment. Clinicians should receive training and use in everyday practice reliable, valid and stable cognitive screening tools to determine cognitive impairment, level of impairment or changes in level of cognitive status.


cognitive impairment; screening instruments; dementia; neuropsychological assessment

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About The Authors

Mariana Arnaoudova
Medical University of Varna

Department of psychiatry and medical psychology

Desislava Ruseva
Medical University of Varna

Department of psychiatry and medical psychology

Ivan Aleksandrov
Medical University of Varna

Department of psychiatry and medical psychology

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