The first stage of experimental investigations carried out bу the authors aim the accurate determination of the pharmacological bearing of the Vinca major alkaloid to the central and vegetative nervous system,blооd pressure, myoneural synapsis and hematopoesis.
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Rоussinоff, К. S., Gelyazkoff, D. К., Guerguieff, V. Р.: Action de blосаgе des alkaloides de Vinca hегbасеа W. К. sur les synapes neuromus culaires, Archivio ltaliano di Sciesze pharmacol., V. ХI, f. 2, 3, 1961.
Roussinov, К. Gelyazkov, Georgiev: Оn the mechanism of the myorelaxant effect of the alkaloids of Vinca herbacea W. К. Compt. rend de 1'Acad. bulgare des Sciences, 15, 3, 329, 1962.
Русинов, К., Желязков Д., Георгиев, В. : Фармакологично проучване на алкалоидите на Vinca herbacea W. К.: Изв. на Инст-та по физиология при БАН, т. V, 271, 1962.