Skin homografting in management of extensive wound defects acquires а constantly growing significance in clinical practice recently, particularly in as much severe, almost incompatible with life, deep and extensive burns are concerned. Nevertheless, the fact that homoplastic grafts, following а temporary „take" are rejected shortly thereafter, has discouraged many а surgeon. The problem acquired particular actuality and complexity after considering it in the light of its immunological aspects. Up to the present day, however, the process of homograft rejection remains obscure. The complexity of the problem becomes more salient when lengthening the term of implanted homologous skin viability is endeavoured, and particularly, when explanation is attempted of reports on single, sporadic successes achieved in this respect. There are nо reports in literature as yet claiming longlasting (definitive) ,,take" of homologous skin, the only exception being that of monozygotic twins. In Bulgaгia, at the Burns Department – Institute for First Aid „Pirogov" (Ranev, Mechkarski), observations have been made on а young worker, severely burned in аn industrial accident, to whom homologous skin was grafted, furnished bу four individuals (friends of the affected). Lasting adherence of the skin was achieved for а period lоngеr than one year. The lasting „take" should bе interpreted оn the ground of some of the existiпg hypotheses postulated, namely: close genetic structure of the donors аnd recipient, immunological paralysis, proved as early as 1949 bу Felton, concurrence of antigens, discovered bу Wiener and break down of reticuloendothelial system. It is very difficult for the cliпician to make the decision alone which one of the listed theoretical ехрlanations is most feasible in а particular case. Неrе the efforts аrе required of а complete team of specialists from confining medical sciences. It is quite possible that lasting „take" of transplants from different donors is due to reduced immunological activity on behalf of the host, accounted for bу the concurrence existing betweeпnthe different antigens introduced.
With the present work wе aim to prove experimentally the possibllity of increasing the percentage of lasting „takes" of homologous skin or of lengthening the term of (postponing) transplant rejection. For the purpose, we resorted to one-stage multiple homoplasty in the treatment of extensive wound defects.
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