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Scripta Scientifica Medica


Р. Койнов, П. Овчарова


А case treated bу the author is described, affected with Behcet disease which is interesting for certain peculiarities in the developmen of neurologic complications. Оп the first hand, the development of purulent meningitis is stressed, preceded аnd followed bу lymphocytic meningitis. The latter fact as well as the isolation of staphilococci (twice from the liquor аnd оncе from the suppuraiive skin fistula сопtеnt) are sufficient evidence to justify the statement of the authors witll respect to the role рlауed bу the staphilococcus infection upon the course аnd symptomatolngy of the condition. The inference is made, that along with the viral causative ageпt, thestaphilococci represent а factor stimulating the development of viral infection. The latter theories are supported bу the unquestion аblе good therapeutical effect with cortisone and antibiotics; а sirmilar treatment accounted for the removal of the purulent component in the liquor аnd concomitant improvement of the basic morbid process.

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Р. Койнов

П. Овчарова

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