Against the background of analytical review of 152 cases with sudden, non-violent death which occurred for the period 1957-1962 (accnrding to the case records of the medico-legal service of the Varna District Hospital), the inference is made to the effect that principle cause for the death are cardiovascular diseases, next ranking pulmonаrу affections.
The majority of the uddenly dead cases are males, mainly from the urban population.
Various conditions under which the non-violent, sudden death occurs are mentioned. Strain and fatigue are the factors stated as most important.
Авдеев, М. И. : Курс судебной медицины, Госюриздат, 1959.
Горнак, К. А.: Рецензия на Судебномед. экспертиза в случаях скоропостижной смерти, Арх. патологии, 12, 1958.
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Марков М. : Съдебна медицина, София,1962.
Михайлов, Г. : Скоропостижна ненасилствена смърт в детската възраст, Съдебна медицина от М. Марков.
Тишин, В. С.: Исследования сахаристых вещств в печени в трупов при скоропостижной смерти, Арх.пат. 1, 1961.
Мueller, B. Gerichtl Meidzin, Berlin, 1953.
Райски, М. И. : Съдебна медицина, София, 1956.