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The ESPE e-learning webportal: A global tool for instruction and formative assessment of pediatric endocrinology

Stenvert L.S. Drop, Laura Kranenburg, Sam Reerds, Kalinka Grijpink, Violeta Iotova


The ESPE e-learning portal ( aims at supporting the learning of cognitive objectives, competencies and skills at two levels: core (medical students) and advanced (fellow/postdoc). It provides a rich source of up-to-date information on various Pediatric Endocrinology topics. The ESPE elearning webportal offers a set of functionalities consisting of a general learning content (chapters, problem solving cases, self-tests, glossary, community) and the option to construct specific courses for an event (ESPE school) or organization: a client, university or institution. Moreover, a set of question types has been developed allowing scoring and assessment of competencies. The content is being expanded and includes chapters and/or cases on the topics of growth, puberty, DSD, calcium and bone, diabetes, hyperinsulinism, thyroidal disorders, adrenal disorders, dis-electrolytemia. Since the portal has been moved to its definite address the global use of the portal has increased: during the period September - December 2013 there were 1264 visits; during the period January-April 2014 there were 2393 visits. The availability of the portal for members and non-members of ESPE needs to be emphasized and needs to be made public widely. Moreover, relevant feedback from users should be translated by the editorial board to make practical improvements. As demonstrated during two courses held in Varna, Bulgaria the portal facilitates the combination of online learning and face-to-face instruction: blended learning. Finally, the next step in extending the impact of the e-learning portal is the further development of learning and competency assessment tools. Furthermore, in demonstrating its applicability at a global level, regional and cultural aspects should be fully recognized.

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About The Authors

Stenvert L.S. Drop
Division of Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics

Sophia Children`s Hospital/Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Laura Kranenburg
Department of Internal Medicine

Maasstad Ziekenhuis, Rotterdam, the Netherland

Sam Reerds
Division of Endocrinology, Department of Pediatrics

Sophia Children`s Hospital/Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

Kalinka Grijpink
Division Education and Student Support

Faculty EEMS, Delft University of Technology,
Delft, the Netherlands

Violeta Iotova
Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria

Department of pediatric diseases and medical genetics

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