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Percutaneous management of acute necrotizing pancreatitis

I. Lozev, G. Kirov, D. Dardanov, N. Smilov, B. Moshev, I. Nedev, V. Yolov, R. Gaidarski


OBJECTIVES: The study aims to evaluate the efficacy of percutaneous necrosectomy (PN) performed under ultrasound control and of endoscopic necrosectomy through secondary sinus track (ENTSST) using nephroscope and cystoscope.

MATERIAL AND METHOD: Puncture of fluid collections in the pancreas was performed under ultrasonographic control to 23 patients with acute necrotizing pancreatitis (ANP). ENTSST using nephroscope and cystoscope was performed to 47 patients after open or percutaneous necrosectomy and persistent sepsis (without satellite collection of CT).

RESULTS: Seventeen patients (74%) treated with percutaneous necrosectomy recovered without open surgery. Two of this group died. The average hospital stay was 42 days. Twenty-three patients required an average of two (range 1-4) ENTSST.

CONCLUSIONS: Based on our initial results we believe that the percutaneous necrosectomy and ENTSST in well selected patients might be the better choice than open necrosectomy and postoperative lavage. Common solution for these methods has not been reached yet.


acute necrotizing pancreatitis, percutaneous necrosectomy, endoscopic necrosectomy through secondary sinus track

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About The Authors

I. Lozev
Department of surgery, Medical Institute - Ministry of Interior

G. Kirov
Department of surgery, Medical Institute - Ministry of Interior

D. Dardanov
Department of surgery, Medical Institute - Ministry of Interior

N. Smilov
Department of surgery, Medical Institute - Ministry of Interior

B. Moshev
Department of surgery, Medical Institute - Ministry of Interior

I. Nedev
Department of surgery, Medical Institute - Ministry of Interior

V. Yolov
Department of surgery, Medical Institute - Ministry of Interior

R. Gaidarski
Department of surgery, Medical Institute - Ministry of Interior

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