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Treatment options in late Parkinson's disease: decimeter wave therapy

Borislav Ivanov, I. Todorov, Evgeniya Vladeva, Ivan Dimitrov, Nadezhda Deleva, Veselinka Nestorova, T. Todorov


Late stage Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized by significant worsening of symptoms, motor fluctuations and decrease of effectiveness of drug therapy. Decimeter wave therapy (DWT) is one option to enlarge treatment strategy in late PD. We studied the effect of DWT in 12 patients (7 males), aged 65,83± 4,02 years, with 6,42± 1,51 years disease duration. Seven were at Hoehn-Yahr stage III and remaining 5 at stage IV. Mean UPDRS total score sum was 39,25± 1,91, and mean UPDRS part III sum was 24,67± 2,1. DMW was performed according to a standard protocol with apparatus Volna - 2, 10 consecutive procedures, once daily. Evaluation of UPDRS total and part III was performed on baseline, on days 11, 31 and 61. On day 11 all patients showed decrease in their both UPDRS total and part III. We lowered the levodopa doses of 6 patients in Hoehn-Yahr stage III with greatest decrease of UPDRS. On days 31 and 61 UPDRS total and part III were still lower. Our results demonstrate substantial effect of DWT on motor symptoms in late PD patients. All patients showed improvement, assessed by UPDRS, as the effect still lasted for 2 months after the physical therapy, even slightly diminished on day 61, compared to day 11. According to our results and patients subjective satisfaction reported, we could propose DWT become a part of the treatment strategy in late PD patients.


Parkinson's disease, treatment, physical therapy, decimeter waves therapy

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About The Authors

Borislav Ivanov
Medical University of Varna

Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine

I. Todorov
Medical University of Varna

Department of Physical Therapy,
Thalassotherapy and Professional Diseases

Evgeniya Vladeva
Medical University of Varna

Department of Physical Therapy,
Thalassotherapy and Professional Diseases

Ivan Dimitrov
Medical University of Varna

Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine

Nadezhda Deleva
Medical University of Varna

Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine

Veselinka Nestorova
Medical University of Varna

Department of Physical Therapy,
Thalassotherapy and Professional Diseases

T. Todorov
Medical University of Varna

Department of Physical Therapy,
Thalassotherapy and Professional Diseases

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