Introduction: Heart rate variability training is gaining attention for its potential to influence emotional management and eating behaviors. With obesity and emotional eating recognized as contributors to the onset of diabetes mellitus, exploring interventions such as heart rate variability training holds promise for addressing these interconnected health concerns.
Aim: Through a detailed examination of diverse publications, the paper aims to reveal the relationship between heart rate variability training, emotional eating patterns, and decreasing the risk factors for developing diabetes mellitus.
Materials and Methods: In order to find the most recent information on human clinical trials conducted in the past ten years (2013–2023) using representative keywords, the team conducted a comprehensive search of the most accurate scientific web databases, such as PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Google Scholar. In this review, the authors have focused on the role of heart rate variability training on food intake and the development of diabetes mellitus.
Results: According to the research that is currently available, emotional eating is linked to overeating, obesity, and bad eating habits. Emotional eating also appears to be associated with an uptick in depression symptoms. Heart rate variability training has a significant impact on emotional regulation. Hence, working on improving the patient's mood and reducing the symptoms of depression might lower overeating and stabilize blood glucose levels.
Conclusion: The implications of this research are significant, as they contribute to understanding non-pharmacological interventions in diabetes mellitus management and prevention, providing a potential new perspective on lifestyle modifications.
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