Introduction. One of the most important signs and symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) is deviation or restriction in the mandibular range of motion. Limited or increased movement is considered as a sign of dysfunction, so measurement and evaluation of mandibular movement ranges are considered important parameters within the clinical examination and a significant component in the treatment and follow up of the temporomandibular disorders.
Material and methods. A total of 34 articles are included in this comprehensive review of the relevant studies on mandibular range of motion related to temporomandibular disorders. This review provides summarized clinical and cephalometric analyses focused on the three planes of the mandibular range of motion used in all classifications and diagnostic criteria for temporomandibular disorders.
Results and conclusion. The majority of the studies show variations in the degree of mandibular movements in patients with TM pathology. This review of the literature presents a synthesized version of the basic parameters of the mandibular movements that can be considered in the diagnosis of temporomandibular disorders in accordance with the postulates of the relevant research and diagnostic criteria.
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