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Scripta Scientifica Medicinae Dentalis

Dental erosion as a manifestation of Sjogren's syndrome

Mayya Koleva, Vesela Hristova, Maya Doychinova, Genoveva Balcheva


Introduction: Dental erosion is the loss of dental hard tissue by a chemical process not involving bacteria. It has a multifactorial origin and could be observed as a manifestation of different diseases such as Sjogren's syndrome.

Materials and Methods: The article reports a clinical case of a 57-year-old patient with erosive defects on the entire dentition and problems with saliva secretion.
Diagnosis was made by using ultrasound examination and chairside test for evaluation of saliva properties.

Results: The results from the chairside test revealed poor quality of the stimulated and resting saliva. The ultrasound examination showed a total change in the structure of the tissues of all salivary glands.

Conclusion: Dental health should not be treated as an isolated body condition - it is part of the whole organism. The intraoral examination can be essential for the discovery of some systemic diseases.


tooth erosion; Sjogren's syndrome; salivary flow

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About The Authors

Mayya Koleva
Medical University of Varna

Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dental Medicine

Vesela Hristova
Medical University of Varna

Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dental Medicine

Maya Doychinova
Medical University of Varna

Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dental Medicine

Genoveva Balcheva
Medical University of Varna

Department of Conservative Dentistry and Oral Pathology, Faculty of Dental Medicine

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