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Bone characteristics and implant stability

Elitsa Sabeva, Stefan Peev, Mariya Miteva, Milena Georgieva


The aim of this literature data review was to investigate the influence of the bone density, bone volume, cortical bone thickness and the anatomical area on the primary stability of dental implants. Understanding the effect of the bone quality could help us predict the primary stability and prevent to some extent the poor implant stability by choosing implants of different design, diameter, length or surface modification.

Considering the reviewed articles, we have concluded that inserting implants in dense bone of higher quality with thick cortical portion, as well as implant placement in lower jaw could lead to higher primary stability of those implants. To enhance the primary stability in bone of poor quality we suggest the use of implants with such characteristics of the design or dimensions, which are proven to influence the primary stability of the implant in a positive way.


bone quality, density, primary stability

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About The Authors

Elitsa Sabeva
Medical University of Varna, Faculty of Dental Medicine

Department of Periodontology and Dental Implantology

Stefan Peev
Medical University of Varna, Faculty of Dental Medicine

Department of Periodontology and Dental Implantology, Professor

Mariya Miteva
Medical University of Varna, Faculty of Dental Medicine

Department of Periodontology and Dental Implantology

Milena Georgieva
Medical University of Varna, Faculty of Dental Medicine

Department of Pediatric Dentistry

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