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Scripta Scientifica Medicinae Dentalis

Study of the indications of dental treatment of children under general anesthesia

Radosveta Andreeva


General anesthesia is a method of pharmacological behavior management of children. The children treated under general anesthesia (GA) are mainly 3 groups: children with early childhood caries (ECC);  anxious children and children with special health needs. The aim of this article is to  assess the main indications for the treatment under general anesthesia. Subject of monitoring of the retrospective  research are 396 children divided  into three age groups: up to 5 years, between 6 and 12 years and over 12 years.. The retrospective study includes determining the relative proportions of children treated under general anesthesia due to the indications, documented on medical records. Children with ECC are 95%  (188) of the children in the first group and 47.5% of all the children treated under general anesthesia. Children with specific health needs (SHN) - 67 patients (17%) of all treated children under general anesthesia and 80.64% of the children treated in the third age group. The behavioral management problem is - 78.4% of all indications for the second group and (47%) for all age groups. The relative share of children treated with narcosis due to an increased reflex for vomiting - 1.51% and surgical procedures - 2.27% is insignificant for all age groups.

This result demonstrates the main indications for dental treatment under GA, which are: children with ECC- the main reason;  anxious children - the second most common indication for general anesthesia  and children with special health needs - the third most common cause of treatment under the GA.


general anesthesia, indications, pediatric dentistry

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About The Author

Radosveta Andreeva
Medical University of Varna

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine

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