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Scripta Scientifica Medicinae Dentalis

Full oral rehabilitation of a child under general anesthesia. A case report

Milena Georgieva-Dimitrova, Evgeni Dimitrov


INTRODUCTION: Untreated caries lesions, painful treatment, and emergency cases in children at pre-school age may lead to increased anxiety and fear of future dental treatment. Many children have unfavorable behavior. The main difference in the treatment of children and adults is behavior management. In cases of lack of cooperation from the child and inefficiency of the methods of behavior management it is necessary for the dental treatment to be done under general anesthesia.

AIM: The aim of this article is to show the possibility for high esthetic dental treatment under general anesthesia.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The object of the clinical study was an uncooperative child with atypical form of early childhood caries (ECC), whose behavior was modified through pharmacological agents. For the restorations of the decayed teeth, a highly esthetic nanohybrid composite Tokuyama Estelite Asteria was used.

RESULTS: A 4-year-old child came to the dental office with pain of dental origin. The child was definitely negative, uncooperative, with strong fear of dental treatment. The lack of cooperation during the examination imposed that the dental restoration of carious lesions with composite restorations and extractions of teeth diagnosed with pulp necrosis should be done under general anesthesia.

CONCLUSION: Тreatment under general anesthesia improves the conditions for highly esthetic nanohybrid restorations and avoids the eventual psychological trauma the child might get during the conventional methods of treatment. Achieving high esthetic and long-lasting results without any complications is the main goal of the treatment under general anesthesia.


general anesthesia, composite restorations, dental treatment

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About The Authors

Milena Georgieva-Dimitrova
Medical University of Varna

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine

Evgeni Dimitrov
Medical University of Varna

Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Faculty of Dental Medicine

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