Autogenous platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a platelet-rich substance obtained after specific processing of peripheral blood.
The purpose of the present study is to describe and examine the autogenous platelet-rich plasma and its application in periodontology.
In the last decade, PRP has gained wide popularity and is used in a variety of fields of medicine. The implementation of PRP is basically a regenerative procedure using an autogenous graft. Therefore, it is believed that there is no danger of genetic interference, sensitization, or any kind of disease transmission. Platelet-rich plasma therapy is a safe and effective option with no known risks or side effects. In the last decade or two, the amount of published studies focused on the joined use of barrier membranes and bone repair materials with PRP has increased. One of the main benefits of using PRP to administer damaged tissues is that it activates and releases growth factors, which can enhance collagen and elastin formation by fibroblasts, boost blood supply and metabolism in the affected area, as well as help promote angiogenesis (the formation of new blood vessels). In this way, PRP therapy can effectively restore lost tissue.
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