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Scripta Scientifica Medicinae Dentalis

Optimization of a metallographic methodology for the study of laser-melted layers of austenitic stainless steel

Tsanka Dikova, Natalina Panova, Ivaylo Parushev


Introduction: After laser melting during welding and heat treatment processes, the melted zone of the austenitic steel is characterized by a specific fine-grained microstructure formed as a result of the high heating and cooling rates. This causes additional difficulties when the microstructures of the molten zone and the base metal have to be investigated.

Aim: The aim of the present paper is to optimize the methodology for preparation of metallographic samples in order to study the microstructure of a laser-melted layer and of a base metal on the same sample.

Materials and Methods: Samples of AISI 321 austenitic stainless steel with laser-melted surface layers were ground and polished by a conventional procedure, but etched with aqua regia for different time periods.

Results and Discussion: It is found that the microstructure of the laser-melted layers is revealed after a shorter exposure time (2 min) of the reagent, as longer exposure time leads to over-etching. A longer exposure time (5 min) is required to reveal the microstructure of the base metal. Subsequent polishing of the sample results in more obscure structural features.

Conclusion: An optimized procedure of a two-stage etching process is proposed. In the first stage, the microstructure of the laser-melted layer is revealed in 2 min exposure time, followed by metallographic studies. After that the second stage continues with additional etching of 3 min to reveal and study the microstructure of the base metal.


metallographic methodology; austenitic stainless steel; laser-melted layer; microstructure

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About The Authors

Tsanka Dikova
Medical University of Varna

Department of Dental Material Science and Propaedeutic of Prosthetic Dental Medicine, Faculty of Dental Medicine

Natalina Panova
Medical University of Varna

Department of Physics and Biophysics, Faculty of Pharmacy

Ivaylo Parushev
Medical University of Varna

Department of Clinical Medical Sciences, Faculty of Dental Medicine

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