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The determination of phenolic compounds in artichoke flower head extracts by HPLC GC/MS technique

Andrei Fedosov, Olexandra Kyslychenko, Andrei Gudzenko, Olga Semenchenko, Victoriia Kyslychenko


PURPOSE: A delicious plant was widely used in culinary purposes since ancient times. The effectiveness of different gastro-intestinal tract disorders treatment makes it a new prospective agent for new drug creation.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: As the object of research dry artichoke flower-heads (inflorescences) plant raw material was selected. Methanol extracts and methanol extracts after hydrolysis were analyzed by HPLC GC/MS technique.

RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: As a result of the research, eight compounds such as luteolin-7-glucoside, luteolin, apifenin-7-glucoside, hyperoside, rutin, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid and rosmarinic acid were detected in the tested solutions. Luteolin and apigenin-7-glucoside were the only Four phenolic compounds such as apigenin-7-glucoside, luteolin, chlorogenic acid and luteolin-7-glucoside were identified in the studied methanol extract after hydrolysis.


artichoke, flower-heads, luteolin-7-glucoside, apigenin-7-glucoside, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, HPLC GC/MS.

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About The Authors

Andrei Fedosov
National University of Pharmacy

Olexandra Kyslychenko
National University of Pharmacy

Andrei Gudzenko
Government Agency `Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine`

Olga Semenchenko
Government Agency `Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine`

Victoriia Kyslychenko
National University of Pharmacy

Head of Chemistry of natural compounds department

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