The present study aims to supplement the available research data on medicinal plants of the Durankulak Lake area. Survey results established a significant variety of medicinal plants: 112 species of higher plants referring to 34 families and 87 genera. The prevailing biological type is the herbaceous perennial type (67 species or 60 percent). Considering moisture and humidity as a factor, the mesophyte plants (presented by 48 species or 43%) occupy dominant position among the medicinal plants. Eurasian geo-elements (20 species or 18%) are predominant, followed by the Euro-Mediterranean (18 species or 16%), sub-Mediterranean (17 species or 15%). Among the medicinal plants there is only one Balkan endemic species. Medicinal plants of conservation significance represent 11.4% or 13 species. The established medicinal plants have more than 30 types of healing action, one fifth of which is used primarily for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases. The species in which the above ground part (herba) is collected for plant substance constitute half of the established medicinal plants.
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