Commercial tea comes from plants belonging to a relatively large group of cultivated species of Camellia sinensis (L) O. Kuntze. It is one of the oldest known beverages made from the tender leaves of the plants. The main aim of the present study is to analyze the presence of biochemicals in UPASI -16 clone. In the results, the UPASI -16 clone showed high catechin (22.88%), polyphenol (31.70%), polyphenol oxidase (1178.63 U/mg of protein) and tea enzyme peroxidase (729.72 µM of O2 formed min-1g-1 dry weight), catalase (1.89 µM H2O2 reduced min-1 mg-1 protein) and Super oxide dismutase (58.45 U/mg proteins). UPASI -16 showed high catechin content in segregated tea crop shoots from the first internodes (23.66%) followed by the first leaf (22.46%), second leaf and third leaf. Tea quality flavonoid gene expression, while ANR (1.66%) and F3H (1.02%) were down regulated, F35H and ANS (2.82%) were up regulated in UPASI -16. Based on the results, it can be concluded that crop shoots of Camellia sinensis (L) O. Kuntze selected clone of UPASI-16 may possess high amount of biochemicals and may further lead to development of commercial tea.
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