INTRODUCTION: By introducing electronic prescribing in December 2020, Bulgaria took a major step towards the digitalization of healthcare in the country. The regulatory framework was swiftly changed which resulted in little time for testing and implementing the e-prescription system.
AIM: This study aims to explore the awareness, preparedness and attitudes of pharmacists towards the innovation prior to its mandatory launch.
МATERIALS AND METHODS: A sociological method was used: a face-to-face anonymous survey among pharmacists in the region of Varna, utilizing paper questionnaires.
RESULTS: The results showed the respondents’ positive attitudes and well equipped pharmacies. However, a number of challenges were also identified, such as insufficient information and trainings, a short trial period leading to concerns and lack of confidence in community pharmacists.
CONCLUSION: The functioning e-healthcare system is a priority goal of healthcare development in Bulgaria. The introduction of the electronic prescription is an important step for the future digital transition in our country. Despite pharmacists’ positive attitudes towards the innovations and the expectations that it would enhance medical care, we should note that at the start of the project the focus was more on technological performance and not on staff training. Trainings, time and experience are needed to build an effective functioning system in support of professionals and society.
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