Introduction: Unconventional methods of treatment are those that favourably affect individual health trough non-traditional physical methods, non-medicinal products of organic or mineral origin, acupuncture and others. According to the Law on Health, they can be practiced by people without medical education, who are registered by the Regional Health Inspections (RHIs). The aim of the paper is to explore consumer attitudes to the use of conventional physiotherapy procedures and unconventional methods to promote individual health.
Methods and materials: A sociological method for collecting information and statistical methods for processing the results are used. A survey was conducted among 104 users of unconventional and conventional physiotherapeutic methods for treatment between 1st and 14th December 2017. The questionnaire includes 29 closed and one open question.
Results: Over 60% of the respondents, participated in the survey, have used unconventional methods. Among the unconventional methods used are reflexology (50.8%), ventusotherapy (31.1%), acupuncture (16.4%), and acupressure (11.5%). In regard with the conventional physiotherapeutic methods, the largest share has balneotherapy (46.4%), followed by physiotherapy (43.3%). The frequency of visits to centers for unconventional methods is different: several times per year - 48.5% of the respondents; only once per year - 37.9% and 9.1% once per month. Consumers prefer unconventional methods mainly because of recommendations from family and friends. Many of the satisfied users visiting spa, balneology and eastern medicine centers would use the most of the services, if the NHIF covers part of the price.
Conclusions: In the recent years, more and more unconventional ancient methods to improve and protect health are used. Very often, consumers preferred these methods as a stand-alone alternative or in combination with traditional physical methods and procedures. According to the respondents, non-traditional and alternative methods for promoting individual health should be provided by physicians, physiotherapists, kinesitherapists, and rehabilitators.