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Consumer attitudes towards using conventional physiotherapy procedures and unconventional methods

Vanina Keranova, Elena Georgieva, Ivelina Ivanova, Veronika Vasileva, Galina Petrova


Introduction: Unconventional methods of treatment are those that favourably affect individual health trough non-traditional physical methods, non-medicinal products of organic or mineral origin, acu­puncture and others. According to the Law on Health, they can be practiced by people without med­ical education, who are registered by the Regional Health Inspections (RHIs). The aim of the paper is to explore consumer attitudes to the use of conventional physiotherapy procedures and unconven­tional methods to promote individual health.

Methods and materials: A sociological method for collecting information and statistical methods for processing the results are used. A survey was conducted among 104 users of unconventional and con­ventional physiotherapeutic methods for treatment between 1st and 14th December 2017. The ques­tionnaire includes 29 closed and one open question.

Results: Over 60% of the respondents, participated in the survey, have used unconventional methods. Among the unconventional methods used are reflexology (50.8%), ventusotherapy (31.1%), acupunc­ture (16.4%), and acupressure (11.5%). In regard with the conventional physiotherapeutic methods, the largest share has balneotherapy (46.4%), followed by physiotherapy (43.3%). The frequency of vis­its to centers for unconventional methods is different: several times per year - 48.5% of the respon­dents; only once per year - 37.9% and 9.1% once per month. Consumers prefer unconventional meth­ods mainly because of recommendations from family and friends. Many of the satisfied users visit­ing spa, balneology and eastern medicine centers would use the most of the services, if the NHIF cov­ers part of the price.

Conclusions: In the recent years, more and more unconventional ancient methods to improve and protect health are used. Very often, consumers preferred these methods as a stand-alone alternative or in combination with traditional physical methods and procedures. According to the respondents, non-traditional and alternative methods for promoting individual health should be provided by phy­sicians, physiotherapists, kinesitherapists, and rehabilitators.


attitudes; unconventional methods; health; consumers



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