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Management Of Oral Anticoagulation In Patients, Undergoing Elective Surgery Or Invasive Procedures

Antoniya Kisheva, Aylin Hadjiveli


Oral anticoagulants play a key role in prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. In the last years, the number of patients taking oral anticoagulants is growing and we have more medicaments in use. The aim of this review is to study the management of anticoagulated patients, undergoing elective surgery or invasive procedures. The scientific information for this review is taken from PubMed. The decision about the oral anticoagulation depends of the bleeding risk, associated with the procedure, of the individual thromboembolic and bleeding risk. After the evaluation, the proper strategy is chosen, which could be temporary interruption, bridging with parenteral anticoagulant or continuing therapy. We have algorithms, but individual approach and multidisciplinary care is needed.


anticoagulants, thromboembolic risk, bleeding risk, surgery, invasive procedures

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