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Annual for Hospital Pharmacy

Possibilities For Conducting Treatment With Unauthorized Medicinal Products In Bulgaria

Yoana Sotirova, Svilen Issaev, Evgeni Grigorov


The regulation of drug use has been developing rapidly over the last 50 years, with an emphasis on the safety, quality and efficacy of medicinal products through the introduction of authorization procedures for a medicinal product;

It has been established that there are a number of circumstances that require exceptions to the existing requirements for the use of only authorized drugs - pediatric and geriatric patients, highly resistant diseases, patients in the terminal phase and others.

Similar situations are provided for in the Law on Medicinal Products in Human Medicine (LMPHM) - groups of drugs are defined that could be used without an authorization for use under strictly defined specific conditions;

One of the most frequently used options is that for the treatment of a specific patient with a medicinal product not authorized in Bulgaria, as this is done according to Art. 266a of the LMPHM.


treatment, unauthorized medicinal products, Bulgaria

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