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A comparative study of mental health of medical students in two countries

Elia Georgieva, A. Velkova, M. Vatansever, N. Hristov, P. Pesheva, I. Simeonova, D. Dimitrova


Results from many studies indicate that throughout medical education students experience high levels of stress and depression. The aim of the current study was to assess and compare Bulgarian and Turkish medical students' levels of stress and depression. A cross-sectional study was conducted with 546 students (276 foreign students from Medical University – Sofia and 270 medical students from several medical universities in Ankara). The study instrument included basic socio-demographic questions, Medical Student Stressor Questionnaire (MSSQ-40 items) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI). Turkish medical students showed higher levels of stress and depression than foreign students from Bulgaria. We found that all types of stressors in medical students had a relationship with depression. Results of our study imply that medical students need access to psychological support throughout their education.


depression, medical education, stress

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Георгиева, Елиа. Мениджмънт на стреса в медицината. София, 2014; 168. ИК “Фльорир”. ISBN: 978-954-410-029-2.



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