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Nursing’s motives for work in pediatric care

Anna Georgieva


The purpose of this study is to investigate the motives of the nurses for career choices in pediatric care. An analysis of literary sources, a documentary method and a questionnaire are attached. The opinion of 70 nurses working in children’s departments of Multiprofile Active Care Hospitals, Crèches and Individual Practices for Primary Care in Varna in the period November 2017 - August 2018 was studied. The results prove that the selection of careers in the field of pediatric nursing for a significant part of the respondents is considerable and purposeful. The majority of the nurses confirm that if they had the opportunity to repeat their choice, they would once again turn to work in the field of pediatric care, driven by love for children and the belief that this is vocation. Leading factors that motivate them to continue to care for the children are the nature of the work and the favorable working environment.


children, nurses, motivation, pediatric care

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