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Functional recovery after shoulder endoprosthetics in patients aged 65 and over with proximal humerus fractures

Ivaylo Mitkovski, Lora Georgieva


Increasing life expectancy is a global demographic trend that calls for increased attention to the health and care of individuals aged 65 and over. With advancing age, mobility decreases, chronic pathology accumulates, and the risk of injuries increases. Among the most serious fractures are those of the proximal humerus, which lead to long-term functional disability. When the fractures are unstable and there is displacement of the fragments, shoulder arthroplasty significantly improves the health outcome. A study was conducted among 68 patients aged 65 years and older undergoing arthroplasty after proximal humerus fractures who received a post-intervention rehabilitation protocol recommended by Hughes & Neer and were observed for one year. Assessment of shoulder function was done using the Constant Shoulder Score (CSS) four times - one, three, six months and one year after the intervention. The results showed that pain level, arm positioning, range of motion, and activities of daily living improved significantly over the observed period, demonstrating the benefit of shoulder arthroplasty for rapid functional recovery in elderly patients.


patients aged 65 and over, proximal humerus fracture, shoulder endoprosthesis, pain, function

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