Introduction: The consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic in all aspects of life have affected not only the public attitudes towards health authorities and bodies, but also towards health as a basic human value.
Purpose: To determine public attitudes 2 years after the start of the COVID-19 pandemic according to practicing healthcare professionals.
Materials and Methods: An anonymous online survey using Google Forms was conducted in April 2022 among healthcare professionals who were students in “Management of health care” program.
Results and discussion: According to health care professionals, there is low public trust between clients and health care providers. More than 1/5 of the respondents disagreed with the statement that "Our society has realized that health is the most important value", and 10.9% hesitated and answered "neither agree nor disagree". This attitude of the pledge to health as a value after 2 (two) years in conditions of a severe pandemic, may prove to be a great obstacle in the imposition of future measures by the health authorities related to the protection of public health.
Conclusion: Actions are needed on the part of the health authorities in the country to build public trust in them. Adherence to measures imposed by health authorities are key in the event of a pandemic.
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