The purpose of the study is to monitor the condition of patients with heart failure and identify opportunities to improve their well-being through the application of ambulatory nursing care.
Material and methods: А рrospective study was conducted. The individual empirical information was collected in the period 2020-2022. The patient’s examination followed a standard protocol: observation, physical examination, assessment of the psychological state and the quality of life, biochemical analysis, ECG, echocardiogram, 6-minute walking test. Statistical analysis included: analysis of variance, correlation, t-test, Chi-square test, logistic regression analysis.
Results: The data from the study showed a constant body weight in the first two visits B-0 and B-1 and a significant decrease in the subsequent three, with an average reduction in body weight of 2 (two) kilograms at the end of the follow-up (6 months), which indicates a lack of significant heart failure decompensation and the positive effect of follow-up. The values of systolic arterial pressure remained stable during the study period, independent of gender and other factors monitored in the patients. In the group of patients monitored in the program, the heart rate remained stable throughout the observation period.
Conclusion: The results of the clinical trial showed an improved condition and an improved quality of life among patients with heart failure. The role of the nurse is aimed at providing coordinated care, covering both health and educational aspects. Comprehensive cardiac care is provided in partnership with medical specialists, which indicates the need for implementing a Nursing Care Model for patients with heart failure.Ангелов А., Й. Йотов (2013). Чeстотота и рискови фактори за рехоспитализация при болни със сърдечна недостатъчност. Българска Кардиология. 19 (2): 26-31.
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