Child abuse is a complex and multifaceted social phenomenon, common to modern society. It is an integral part of history and dates back to ancient times. "Violence prevention" is just a term, but the real way to protect children is to care for them, respect their personality, educate them and love them.
This study aims to explore and analyse the nurse’s role in the multidisciplinary team in introducing a risk assessment tool to all children and pupils, which can identify those who have been victimised as well as children at high risk of abuse.
Material and methods: 162 health professionals working in child and school health care in Veliko Tarnovo province were polled. The following methods were used: documentary, questionnaire, and statistical methods for data processing and analysis. An author’s questionnaire was developed, containing 19 (13 closed and 6 open) questions to survey the opinion of child and school health care professionals on the attributes studied.
Results and Discussion: The poll data indicate that more than half of the respondents from both professional groups gave a positive but inconclusive "Rather Yes" response (53% and 65%) regarding the recognisability of signs of child abuse. Physical (40%) and psychological abuse (40%) were most frequently recognised by school health professionals, with child neglect (62%) most frequently recognised by nursery professionals.
Conclusion: The introduction of indicators for different types of violence can help healthcare professionals identify children who have been victims of violence to prevent its recurrence, and also enable timely assistance to reduce the harmful effects of the trauma experienced.
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