Scientific Online Resource System

Scripta Scientifica Pharmaceutica

Vol 4, No 1 (2017)

Cover and Contents PDF


A review of the medicinal ferns of Ukraine PDF
Valentyna Mycolaivna Minarchenko, Iryna Tymchenko, Tetyana Dvirna, Larysa Makhynia 7-23

Original Articles

Ethnobotanical study of the impact of certain demographic indicators on the attitudes towards the use of medicinal plants among local population of the north Black Sea coast PDF
Djeni Cherneva, Galina Yaneva, Dobri Ivanov 24-28
Ethnobotanical study of the attitudes towards herbal remedies and conventional medicines among local population of the north Black Sea coast PDF
Djeni Cherneva, Galina Yaneva, Dobri Ivanov 29-32
Development and validation of tetracycline hydrochloride assay procedure by spectrophotometry in compounded ointment PDF
Ivan Bezruk, Valentin Vrakin, Lesia Savchenko, Anna Materiienko, Victoriya Georgiyants 33-38
Synthesis of novel ylidenhydrazides of 3-benzyl-8-methylxanthinyl-7-acetic acid as potential biological active compounds PDF
Katherine Aleksandrova, Sergii Levich 39-45
Fluorescence and absorption spectroscopy - fast methods for determining the content of antioxidants and age of Bulgarian wines PDF
Krastena Nikolova, Stefka Minkova, Tinko Eftimov, Stefan Krustev 46-54
On the pharmacognostical study of rosa majalis roots PDF
Tetiana Oproshanska, Olga Khvorost, Liliya Ocheredko 55-57

Case Reports

Mercury self-poisoning. Case report PDF
Marieta Yovcheva, Petko Marinov, Snezha Zlateva, Georgi Bonchev, Ivaylo Vazharov 58-62

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