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Varna Medical Forum

Complex Health Education And Upbringing Program For Students On The Prevention Of Obesity And The Related Risks

Snezhina Georgieva, Varvara Pancheva


Obesity is the most widespread chronic metabolic disorder of our day with extremely serious consequences in the long term. The World Health Organization (WHO) identifies it as a global epidemic and a major public health problem. Unbalanced weight and obesity among children and adolescents has reached a large scale, especially in the developed countries. Bulgaria is among the top six in Europe. A major cause of obesity is the changed lifestyle of modern society linked to harmful eating habits, reduced motor activity, and stress. Children with obesity have a higher risk of diabetes and other endocrine diseases, as well as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, and are more prone to allergies and problems with the locomotor system, have psychological problems associated with low self-esteem, depressions, eating disorders (anorexia and bulimia), and others. The likelihood that obese children become obese and overweight adults is much higher than in adolescents with normal weight. It is therefore an important and responsible task to involve young people in activities to promote and develop their health. The school is a natural and favorable environment for health promotion becausе it is the only public institution involving most of the young people.
The aim of the present study is to share our participation and experience in a program to prevent obesity through health education and upbringing of 3rd to 5th grade students in Burgas schools. In the training program, we promote healthy eating and increased motor activity, such as prevention of obesity and related complications.
The expected results of the presented training program are:
•    Increased awareness of early school age children about the impact of behavioral risk factors associated with the model of nutrition; for the benefits of increased motor activity and the practice of sporting activities.
•    Promoting healthy eating patterns and a healthy lifestyle.
The long-term goals of the program are to reduce obesity as a risk factor for the development of the leading socially significant diseases in adulthood.


obesity, prevention, health education

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