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Translatability of (hemi)orchidectomized mouse model for male hypogonadism: A revision on clinical chemistry with an emphasis on xanthine oxidase of selected tissues

Ferdous Karimizand, Isaac Karimi, Shahrbanoo Oryan, Mohammad Nasrollahzadeh Masouleh


Male hypogonadism is a prevalent syndrome with various clinical manifestations and ambiguity in its etiology and therapy. We investigated translatability and xanthine oxidase (XO) activity in a mouse model of hypogonadism. In this experimental study, 24 NMRI male mice were allocated into four groups: normal control (NC), bilateral orchidectomiezed (BOX), right hemi-orchi-dectomiezed (ROX), and left hemi-orchidectomiezed (LOX) mice. After eight weeks, plasma clinical chemistry and XO activities of selected tissues were measured. Plasma testosterone levels and bone mass density tended to decrease in (hemi)orchidecto-mized mice. The atherogenic index and coronary heart disease risk factor have not been altered in hemi-orchidectomized mice while it increased in orchidectomized mice. Plasma cholesterol has been increased in LOX (P=0.011) and BOX (P=0.041) compared to NC. Plasma calcium and phosphorus levels have not been changed in (hemi)orchidectomized mice as compared to NC. The globulin levels raised significantly in ROX (P=0.043) compared to NC while its levels tended to increase in BOX and LOX compared to NC. The activities of aspartate transaminase, alanine transaminase, and lactate dehydrogenase, and plasma and bone alkaline phosphatase were not different among groups. The XO activity tended to decrease in all tissues however, it sig-nificantly decreased in muscles of ROX (P=0.040) and BOX (P=0.047) with respect to NC. The XO activity has also decreased significantly in the heart tissues of LOX (P=0.045) and BOX (P=0.043) as compared to that of NC. It seems that more than 8 weeks post-orchidectomy time is required to translate male hypogonadism. Furthermore, XO activities were reduced in selected tissues following bilateral or unilateral orchidectomy.


testosterone, osteoporosis, xanthine oxidase, alkaline phosphatase, hypogonadism

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About The Authors

Ferdous Karimizand
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Science and Research Branch of Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Iran, Islamic Republic of

Isaac Karimi
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology 1214, Department of Basic Veterinary Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran
Iran, Islamic Republic of

Shahrbanoo Oryan
Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
Iran, Islamic Republic of

Mohammad Nasrollahzadeh Masouleh
Department of Small Animal Internal Medicine and Radiology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
Iran, Islamic Republic of

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