Scientific Online Resource System

Health Economics and Management

Vol 18, No 2 (2018): Health Economics and Management

Cover and content PDF


The right to choose health insurer: A comparative review of the EU Member States` experiences PDF
Alexander Popov, Kristian Kaludov, Mehnur Salieva, Antoniya Dimova
Social phenomena associated with the conscious refusal of people to give birth to children PDF
Maria Kashutina
New positions in the Regulation of Medical Expertise and their reflection over the situation of disabled people PDF
Paraskeva Mancheva, Maria Valkanova
SPA programs as a method of worksite health promotion PDF
Teodora Dimitrova, Nikolai Nikolaev
Ergonomics assessment of an accountant`s workplace as a management option for a worksite health prevention PDF
Teodora Dimitrova, Zornitsa Zlatarova
Volunteering as an opportunity to support professional realization PDF
Stiliana Petrova, Zhana Rangelova, Krasimira Laleva

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